Transformational Resilience™ 

Thriving through Conflict and Change

This impactful 8-week signature programme is tailored to support executive leaders to: 

  • Create an intentional, safe and creative space to process what you are experiencing

  • Develop emotional regulation and self-compassion for the past, present and future challenges through neuroscience and bodywork

  • Find and create new solutions to your dead-end problems with guidance from an experienced mediator and conflict resolution expert   

  • Reconnect with self-agency, resilience, courage and joy in your life, and to those you love again

Who this is for

This programme is ideal for ambitious, curious executive leaders in the middle of managing difficult situations at work and/or home. 

You’ve overcome so much in life, yet you wonder why everything has to be this hard now. You hate conflict, and avoid it. Now the extraordinarily stressful situation you are in is an ongoing crisis that demands your time, energy and attention and you are not sure how to carry on. 

Now you want to take the time to invest in your own personal development, in order to have a safe outlet and trusted accompaniment to find deep answers, mental clarity, emotional renewal and next steps and to really solve the problem in the long run. 

Is this what you are going through?

  • After excelling at my studies, a fast-paced career and an MBA, I’ve had immense experience solving everyone’s problems but now wonder whether I should deal with my own issues or rise above them.

  • When I think of the problem, I feel pressure building up in my head, my neck and shoulders tense up with a heavy weight, and I end up in paralysis and procrastination due to perfectionism.

  • I can’t shake a lonely feeling. 

  • Sometimes I feel like I’m going to lose control and blow up, or melt into tears. 

  • I found myself blanking out during presentations, then came home and snapped at my family and only realised much later that I was still thinking about my colleague and business partner. I felt so guilty and helpless. 

  • I was surprised that what happened impacted me so much, now I feel uncertain about the future. 

  • I’ve tried everything, but this anxiety keeps returning. I don’t know what to do anymore.

  • It’s just been hard, and I realise I’m going through life changes and need help now that I’m stuck.

what you get

  • Expansive clarity over your situation, what led you there and where you need to go next

  • The first immediate steps to break the cycle of stress and discomfort in your life for lasting changes through Integrative and Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy 

  • Resolve the pain of past difficult situations, traumas and regrets through Eye Movement, Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy

  • Learn breath work and mindfulness techniques to calm the body and mind in any situation for improved health, sleep, and wellbeing from a calmer, more regulated nervous system

  • Expert guidelines to address your conflicts and repair relationships with 

  • Close and personal emotional accompaniment through the programme as you recover from overwhelm

  • A step-by-step plan co-created with you and tailored to your needs in order to manage and prevent conflict effectively and sustainably 

  • An authentic sense of peace and self-compassion for yourself and others 

  • Getting back on track in work and personal life with renewed energy, focus and purpose  

Programme overview

What kind of support will you get in these 2 months?

1:1 weekly one-hour sessions booked at your convenience 

Voxer voice message and email support to accompany you throughout your journey

Accountability & progress tracking  

Flexibility to meet online or in-person

Reviews from previous clients

“Lira was able to quickly and accurately identify the issues at hand (...) She patiently explained why I felt everything I felt and helped me make sense of everything. Lira provided me with the tools to help me overcome the challenges I face whenever they arise in the future. I have since managed to identify many challenging moments before they even begin to manifest and I am still using those very tools Lira taught me during those sessions until today.” - Nadiah Harris, the Netherlands

“I would recommend Lira to anyone looking for an experienced, empathetic and culturally-sensitive professional in conflict resolution.” - Dr. Louisa Chan Boegli MD, Switzerland

“Lira’s wealth of knowledge, understanding and experience with mental health support and trauma made me feel safe, and I instantly felt comfortable opening up to her. She was extremely patient, understanding, intuitive, and always able to relate and empathise with me, and her compassion always shone through. Lira was able to pick up on subtleties during our conversations, both sensitively and accurately, and I always felt listened to and understood. We worked on understanding some of the underlying reasons for my anxiety. Our sessions always offered a sense of clarity, a wider perspective, and a deeper understanding of myself and how I process my thoughts and emotions.” - Felix Lim, England

About ME

I am a conflict resolution, mediation and mental health specialist with 14+ years of experience in high-level government diplomacy, armed conflict mediation, trauma support and counselling therapy. I’m a multinational, multicultural professional living in Zürich, Switzerland with years spent in Singapore, England, Australia, Israel and France. 

With a Masters in Conflict Resolution and Mediation and an additional Masters in Counselling, I help others using both mediation and therapeutic techniques to reach their goals of solving challenges and bouncing back from the stress of conflict. I understand the challenges of overwhelm in a fast-paced, high-stakes world; the doubt that comes with new frontiers and navigating life’s changes - especially when we’re squeezed between who we used to be, and who we need to become.


If this is what you’ve been looking for, apply to this programme and invest in a more peaceful life today. Book a complimentary discovery call with me HERE to find out if this is the right fit for you or your team.

Based on our call, we may also discover that either Swift Recovery™, a rapid crisis intervention programme, Relational Blueprint™, a couples programme, or the Group Mediation Roadmap, an organisational teams programme may better align with your present needs. 

Cancellation policy: If circumstances change or you do not wish to continue with the programme, you are able to cancel and receive a full refund in the first two weeks with just a deduction of the time we have covered by the cancellation date.

For more details or to enquire about bespoke mediation services, contact me at or by phone/Whatsapp at +41 76 696 6948.